Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Self Pity Train needs to derail

I TOTALLY skipped over blogging about the last few weeks.  The truth is that I always try to be an upbeat and happy girl when I'm blogging.  And it's not that I'm complaining about change, its just that I'm not really good at change.  I have to accept in my own time and I usually keep all my emotions cooped inside til an outburst of tears creates a river of self pity. And then I'll float around and waller in it for a while til I become adjusted and then I'll be a happy girl once more.  But the fact is that  I was a complete mess, I mean a big o'l bawl bag for the past 2 weeks.  And its not that its all bad, its just that everything is changing and I'm not one who likes change when life is going my way.  I know, a bit selfish.   

I had to say good bye to my Depot job a few weeks ago.  Kris is working really long hours and the kids need me more these days.  So I'm trying to take up the slack for him being Missing In Action in the last year.  I really loved that job, it was only 1 day a week but it was the one day that I took for myself.  I loved my customers and I'm going to miss them so much.  Eventually if the need is there, I might be able to go back after the upcoming events iron their way out.  But right now I'm needed at home, with my babies.  The fact that they won't be my babies for too much longer validates what I've know for a while.   That they will be grown and I'm going to miss this!  So this summer I plan on laying in the pool and running the boys from A to B.  And loving every minute with them.

A few weekends ago Lane left for Paint Ball Wars with a group of friends.  He had a great time but on the last day of the event, he rolled his foot over a log and out came his knee cap again.  So the news this week from his surgeon is that he will be having reconstruction knee surgery on his other knee this summer.  This is only 8 months out from the last knee surgery.  Hopefully after this is over he will be well and will be able to get back into the swing of things with out all the knee problems.

I posted a picture of Karson's graduation gown last week.  I was so tore up over my baby graduation from elementary school that I couldn't talk about it without crying.  I can't believe it has gone by so fast.  I'm excited to see my kids grow up and do great things but at the same time, I realize how fast it's happening. So here's a few pictures from graduation.  I'll do a separate post sometimes this week.

The biggest news came last week.  My parents have been self employed in a successful sign business for over 37 years.  I've shared an office with my dad 3 days a week for the past 7 years.  They are ready for retirement and just last week SOLD the sign shop.  I will be moving my office to the house and will still take care of the billboard rentals and rental property.  This is going to be a big adjustment.  Very emotional time for my family right now.  I'm very happy for my mom & dad.  Its just sad to see something you've worked at all your life come to an end.  Bittersweet I guess.  I will post more about this later.

And to top it all off, Oprah's final countdown!  Yes, I cried during every show this week. I just love Oprah.  I've watched her for as long as I can remember.  I'm looking forward to seeing her new stuff on OWN but I just don't know how she's going to top the last 25 years.  But she's Oprah, so I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised.

My mom and dad always taught me to be thankful for all my blessings and as a little girl, to always say my prayers.  As wrong as it may be,  it seems as if I pray the most when times seemed to be more difficult.  I do pray for a healthy family and job security so that we can provide a "good" home for my children and always praying that those lil worries in the back of my mind that they would some how just be taken care of and disappear.  But I woke up one morning thinking about how we always don't  get the answer we want. Like the song "Unanswered Prayers", it doesn't mean he don't care....some times life's greatest gifts are Unanswered Prayers.  So my prayer lately has been that I will be able to accept whatever is given to me.   And I do believe that when one door closes a window of opportunity will open.  So I'm looking forward to whatever comes my way and I know that he will bless me and lead me the right direction.
Hope you all have a very blessed week, I know that I truly am blessed as well, I just tend to be sadden over a lot of change especially if its sentimental to me. 


  1. Change is hard...hang in there.

  2. Beautiful, just like you! Change is about growing and my dear you are growing as a wonderful and very authentic woman!! Looking forward to seeing all of your dreams come to fruition....

    Turn the page. :)
