Monday, October 17, 2011

Bear Claw Paintballers, Night with the Gomez's and National Mine Rescue Contest

Friday morning Lane left for Bear Claw in Tenn with his buddy Tyler, his Dad Richard and Grand dad Gary aka Pap.  A weekend of Paintball.

Here's the group photo I stole from Lane's Face Book page.

Saturday the hubs worked so I just cleaned house.  Afterwards we met up with some Mine Rescue friends of ours for dinner.  Patrick, Kelly, Dominic & Delilah.

After dinner we came back to house and just chilled on the couch while the kids played.  Caught up on life and talked about Patrick's exciting National win.

If you remember, Patrick was on Kris's mine rescue team.  They just got back from Nationals in Ohio last week and guess who won............. that's right, Patrick won!

Ky Coal Academy Field Team.

Such a great achievement!  Patrick & Kelly after awards presentation.

I would of loved to been there to see it.

Also, our friend Chris Williams won 3rd place in Pre-Shift.  Congratulations Chris!!!!

Many of you know what these fine men and their family means to me.  I'm so happy for them!  They've worked very hard for this, I just wish Kris & I were there to support & celebrate with them.  Kris really misses competing.  And this would of been a great year for him.  But sometimes life takes you in other directions and you just have to smile and be thankful for the time you had.  Tell your mine rescue family how thankful you are for them and support them when possible.  If you've never been to a contest and you have a miner in your life, you would really be impressed to be around such a class of men.  Congratulations Patrick, Chris and the Ky Coal Academy for such an outstanding accomplishment.  There's a girl in Muhlenberg County that is so proud of you and so thankful for you.  Always cheering you on!!!  Even when I'm not there, I'm there in spirit.  Thank You for giving so much of yourself and time away from your family to be prepared to help others if ever a time arises.

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