Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Taking each day ONE STEP at a time

As rainy and yucky as today was, it was a pretty good day.  Lane had PT this morning and made some really good progress.  Its been 4 weeks since his surgery and today was the day that he started some weight bearing therapy.  He's been non weight bearing for about 7 1/2 weeks.  I think he was really excited that he did so well.  It was almost like watching his first step 13 years ago.  I was a very proud Momma!

This is his PT Mr. Alton.  These two are like two peas in a pod.

After I dropped the boys off at the house, I made a little run to the mines to drop off a little Christmas Cheer.  I also got to sneak in a few minutes with my sweetie.  Usually when I'm there he's underground but  today I caught him in between shift change, so here's my dirty coal miner at his finest.

Talked to some of my Coal Family too, this is Jarret a.k.a. Country and John T.

Kris taking a break in his office.  Wouldn't you agree that its screaming "Misty, come decorate me!"
I could just see some zebra print up in this place.

Michael in his office, pretending to work. lol  It could use some help in the color/ decor department as well.

Hope you enjoyed your Tuesday.  I got quite a few things finished and behind me today.  Turkey Day will be here soon, can't wait to spend it with The Deason's and The Maddox's!   Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that Lane is doing good. :) Love the pic of the guys in their work clothes and hard hats... reminds me of seeing my grandpa when I was little after he came home from work. :)
