The new buzz in the Maddox Household is ZIJA! Kris and I started taking Zija 3 weeks ago and have already seen great results. It has given us both unbelievable lasting energy, we are sleeping better and overall just feel better. The fact that Kris has lost 9lbs and I have lost 7lbs makes me like it even more. And the fact that I got paid some sweet CA$H for signing up 2 people, it has me on fire! I am so excited to see where we will be in 3 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years with this company. We are in a great circle of friends who haven given us so much support and have answered any questions that we've had. I have recently found 2 business cards from where 2 other friends ask me too take a look a Zija in the past 6 months and I declined both times.....ughhhhhh! Why did I do that???? I wish we had found Zija years ago. I guess all things are planned out for us and I think we were just waiting on the right group to join up with. I (heart) my Zija family!!!
Now if you don't know about Zija, its time to get.....
Zija increases energy, promotes a lean body through appetite suppression and weight management, and contains over 90 verifiable antioxidants and vital proteins. There is so much I could tell you about Zija! And so many testimonies from real people. I'm am hosting our first Zija PBR in hour home this Sunday, Feb 27th at 2:pm and I invite all my local friends to come join us. I promise there is no pressure to join. We only share the info we have, answer any questions you might have, and most of all, we get to share our home with all of our friends. And for those who know me well, know that opening my home to you is what makes me the happiest!