Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a bit different this year.  My youngest child thought he was too big to hunt eggs so the Easter Bunny no longer stops at the Maddox house.   It's kinda sad when your kids start to change into Big Kids stuff and start to leave behind all the Little Kid stuff.  No excitement over Easter baskets, coloring eggs, or Easter Candy.  But their eyes sure light up when Mom gives them $20.00 Bucks!  Gee's  I sure miss those Easter Baskets.
Kris has been working A LOT lately and I knew he wouldn't be home today so we celebrated Easter with my Mom, Dad, Brother Nathaniel, Fiancée Sammy, my Niece Kinley and Nephew Payton on Friday evening.

My Nephew Payton  loves to eat!

The boys were off to Nashville Zoo and Joe's Crab Shack on Saturday with their Aunt NaNa, Isabella and Ma-maw Maddox.  Kris was working so I had a girls day out with some of my high school friends.  Kelli and I met up with our friend Terri Beth in E-town and the headed to Louisville to eat and do some shopping.  

Went to Dee's and tried on a few hats.

Went to Chuy's and had the best dinner ever!  YUM! This was my first time to Chuy's and it is the bomb!!!  TB loved this place when she lived in Texas and wanted to share this great place with me today.  They are popping up all over the place.

The Watermelon Mojito is fantastic!  If  your a lightweight, then you can handle this drink, it's D-lish!

Someone is being camera shy!!!!

I forgot to show you the canvas I bought for my kitchen.  I just love the lil polka dot coffee cup.  I put it over my stove and it looks great!

Sunday Easter morning the hubs was at work so I started on the house.  I knew it was my only day to get caught up for the week.  I'm having a yard sale in two weeks so I really needed to get busy.  And closets were on the top of the list for the day.  

As I was cleaning out my bedroom closet I found Kris' old cowboy hat he use to wear when we had just started dating.  And looks what's still inside.

Now look closer. 

Awwwww, that picture has been in there for over 16 years.  I've really been missing the hubs lately with his crazy work schedule, this kinda warmed my heart today and made my day much better!

Next was Karsons room and as you can see it was in much need of a clean out.


Lots more to do within the next two weeks.  Hoping all the bad weather stays away!  Happy Easter to you all, hope you spent today or part of the weekend with those you love the most.


  1. Girl, your closets messed up is 10 times better than mine!!! lol!!! You alway shave the best time out!! I wish there was people like you where I live. Is that Dee's crafts by chance?

  2. Yes mam! it was my first trip to Dee's. I had never heard of it til my friend took me there and i loved it!!!!! and as of the closets, well i just cleaned out and repinted all the closets 6 months ago, so they were much better this time around. I think the trick is cleaning out every 6 months, not every 3 years!!!!
